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In a world that claims to value equality, inequality persists and, in many respects, is even growing, despite the ethical and pragmatic challenges it poses to life's social, political and economic dimensions. However, progressive movements, driven by ideals and interests, emphasize the importance of equity and justice.

Dean, Endangered Species?
The scenario of Brazilian higher education changed completely with the entry, from 1997, of private companies that began to operate in the segment with a focus on making a profit. The objective of this article is to understand and analyze the growth in the number of higher education institutions with a profitable profile, led by their Chief Executive Officers (CEO) and directing their management through a financial (and not academic) logic, as well as the impacts on the segment of higher education.
Destinations, Choices and the Democratization of Higher Education
There are hopes for democratization and improved access to higher education in the country. Public policies and institutional actions help students access and remain in the system. Despite maintaining standards
of structural inequality, of prestige and income, the existence of actions and policies that create effective probabilities that the Choices of individuals and groups can prevail over the Destinies socially designed for them can be confirmed.
An exploratory analysis of selection and inclusion in Brazilian Higher Education: from inherited merit to relational merit
The existence of these public policies – especially racial and social quotas – shows that the Brazilian higher education system has been capable of making the transition between inherited merit (the exclusive result of my social position) and relativized merit (one that considers different starting points of students). Furthermore, there are indications that students, especially less privileged ones, realize that their efforts can be valued